;** $VER: select.gadget_install 40.1 (25.5.98) by Massimo Tantignone
(set msg_what "What do you want to install?")
(set msg_doc "Documentation")
(set msg_inc "Include files")
(set msg_fd "Library .fd file")
(set msg_seldr "Select the destination drawer:")
(set msg_whgadg "Where do you want to copy the \"select.gadget\" library?")
(set msg_whdoc "Where do you want to copy the documentation files?")
(set msg_whinc "Where do you want to copy the include files?\nYou should choose an already existing \"include\" directory.")
(set msg_whfd "Where do you want to copy the library .fd file?")
;(set msg_cpu000 "68000")
;(set msg_cpu020 "68020/030")
;(set msg_cpu040 "68040")
;(set msg_cpu060 "68060")
(set whathelp "Choose which part(s) of the select.gadget package are to be installed.")
(set dirhelp "Select the drawer into which the \"select.gadget\" library is to be copied.\nThe default is \"SYS:Classes/Gadgets\".\nIf a newer version is already in place, it won't be overwritten.")
(set dirhelp2 "Select the drawer into which the documentation is to be copied.")
(set dirhelp3 "Select the directory into which the include files are to be copied.\nThe include directory itself won't be copied to the destination directory; only its contents will.\nThis means that you should choose an already existing \"include\" directory.")
(set dirhelp4 "Select the drawer into which the library .fd file is to be copied.")
;(set cpuhelp "If you have an accelerated Amiga, you can choose to\ninstall a more optimized version of select.gadget.")
(set msg_done "For any question or bug report, please write to:\n\ntanti@intercom.it")